Monday, 7 August 2006

KAMbings ah...

visitors from abroad *waves fanatically* hullo *have always wanted to do this*. i wonder who you are and why you're here. but welcome welcome. today... you get to see... how a malaysian prison, oh well not really a prison... but how a lock up looks like... and NO it's not how you would expect it to look like from prison break... this is ghetto style!

i present to you the scences that didn't make it into episode 10! *once again waves fanatically to the aliens HELLO*

WOW if only you can hear what he was saying... LOL...

the goats... that didn't made it in the show... say CUMIN...

i heard... *well i was away... as usual...* that they shitted everywhere that day... like EEEuuUUUU...

one little goat... grabbed on the tailll... comes the next... on his ermm... whatever that rhythms...

two little goats...

AGAIN i wish you could have heard what she was yelling about! hahaha. so farnie...

in this episode if you noticed, putri is actually wearing a KAMBING t-shirt. it's by adidas old school... cool huh... so technically even in the female lock up there's a kambing... HAHA.

awww... this is the phone people... i use to snap pictures with... say THANK YOU! lol

i just noticed i didn't get the full version of the scensored scenes... hurmps... i'll ask for the full one... there's something farnie and weird in it... and it explains a whole lot more... HURMPS now i've to go to the editing studio again... HURMP...!!!
there's more to come... i'm currently doing a moving pictures of my favorite scene in episode 10...

NO it's not the i'm your father scene la... that's so YAWN... LOL... so stay tuned... i'm going to watch prison break now... TATA.
oh do NOTE. the pictures are brighten up so you can see the goats clearly... it was a dark dark place... really dark...


aunieZ said...

dat pice officer rly hav misai like dato k..heheheh many scensored scenes dat has beebn cut huh

Anonymous said...

akhirnya dpt jugak kita tgk phone yg telah berjasa pada kita. mwahahahahha....
aiyaakk.. apsal bulat kat bahagian . . . kat fazura tuh. ekekekkeke...

Anonymous said...

kambing kat tshirt to so kewl.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

hmm.. i've always been a lurker... well, that's change now! anyway, just wanted to say it's a great show and you've done a nice job with the wardrobe dude! *thumbs up*

Ms M said...

Alaaaaa... if u cant get the video of the cut scenes, write the script can ah? Really wanna know what were said.. pretty pluuuzeeeeeee...

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